

The New York State Committee on Open Government is a great resource and has been of great assistance to this organization, over the years. We have a page with sample Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) letters and links to further resources.


We have given the Old Brookville Police Department its own page, along with about 35 years of archived files. While old, many of them may still provide insight into the structure, operation and civilian governance of a local police force.

Jericho SD

This is an audit of the Jericho School District that deals mainly with financial management. It was conducted by the New York State Comptroller.


Here is a report that deals with the routine interactions between the villages and Nassau County: 2020 Nassau County Shared Services and Taxpayer Savings Draft Plan

Institutions in our villages


Our villages contain a substantial number of large institutions. They include:

  • C. W. Post College of Long Island University (LIU)
    • Tilles Center
    • Hillwood Commons
  • New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
    • de Seversky Mansion (formerly the de Seversky Conference Center)
  • State University of New York at Old Westbury (SUNY)
  • Association for the Help of Retarded Children (AHRC)


Why does the VRP only concern itself with certain institutions?

The area also includes numerous county clubs, stables, parks, arboretums, greenhouses / nurseries, elementary and secondary schools, “country day schools” or camps and so on. We don’t normally address these, since

  • they are generally considered to be entirely positive assets to the community, as opposed to the “mixed blessings” that the major institutions represent
  • any detrimental externalities that they do produce don’t impact the community’s quality of life to the same degree as the detrimental externalities produced by the major institutions
  • they are actually used by the residents
  • they are generally considered to be a fundamental component of life in Brookville