C. W. Post College of Long Island University
That was the canonical form of their name. They change it too frequently for us to worry about the present form, at any given time.
Correspondence and Communications with Post / LIU
When Post first presented the arena project to some of the local organizations, their attorney, Jim Murphy of Murphy, Lynch and Gionnis, asked for community input and sought to deal with any unfinished business that might get in the way of the current proposal. We were assured that all outstanding complaints would be decisively and conclusively dealt with. That assurance lasted about four days, or until our response reached them. After he received a letter from the VRP, which is excerpted here, we were told that none of our complaints would be addressed and that none of our proposals would be given serious consideration.
We followed up with several phone calls to LIU President David Steinberg, all of which were dodged. We then wrote to him and that letter is excerpted here.
We were again told by Post’s general counsel George Sutton, on March 6, 1996, that our complaints are without merit and our recommendations will not be considered.
Several months after the proposal was abandoned, we contacted Dr. Steinberg with a proposal of our own: the formation of a joint committee of Post/LIU representatives and community organizations.
Some history, for background and perspective:
In our most recent mailing (May 1996), we make reference to the large theater-marquis sign (for the Tilles Center) at the West Gate of Post College, its relation to local zoning ordinances and a phone call to Dr. Steinberg that was made over 9 years ago. Here are some notes on that issue.
In April 1990, LIU sought permission to construct a sewer pipe from its campus to a point on the SUNY-Old Westbury campus where it would connect to the county sewer system. This was the cheapest of three options offered to them by their engineering firm to bring their waste water disposal procedures into compliance with environmental laws. LIU made a variety of promises and gave a variety of assurances at the permit hearing. LIU’s failure to live up to those terms has left it with damaged credibility and the loss of the community’s goodwill.
In December 1986, LIU sought permission to expand its stables and riding area. At that hearing, a number of residents complained about a variety of conditions on the Post campus and expressed their fears that expansion of the stables would exacerbate those conditions. LIU’s representatives made a variety of promises concerning the removal of horse manure and gave assurances about parking conditions that make for very entertaining reading, today. Ask the Brookville Village Clerk for a copy of the transcript of the 12/16/86 hearing. The greatest laugh of all came at the end of that hearing, when Louis Catone, the Director of Facilities, stated: “If any neighbor has any problems with anything that happens on our campus I wish they would let me know, and I will take care of it.”
Post / LIU has been the “third rail” of Brookville politics for many years. You may recall that a group of insurgent candidates ran for village office, campaigned at Post, attempted to get the students to register and vote in the village elections and, as a result, became unelectable pariahs for many years afterward. In light of that, it seems odd that so little is said about the village mayor’s wife’s role at Post / LIU. Village of Brookville Mayor Daniel Serota’s wife, Cherie Serota, is on the board of trustees of Long Island University [https://liu.edu/office-of-the-president/board-of-trustees] and is an Assistant Professor and Director, Fashion Merchandising at Post College (see https://webapps.liu.edu/directory/Directory.aspx and enter the name). Ask your neighbors if they were aware of that and if they have an opinion on it.
Watch this space for more items from our archives, which span several decades.